الجامعة العالمية للعلوم الاسلامية - لندن

30 years of giving
Prinicipal’s message
S F Milani
Dear Future Scientists,
World is changing and we have to cope with it. We live in a global village. Everybody is in direct connection with other people. Technologies are making the world look smaller and smaller. Yet, humanity is in despair.
A strong force is required to pull people together. Populists are winning the cases everywhere and extremists roam as they like.
Unfortunately, the same dilemma is felt in the scientific realm. A century has passed and we yet cannot grasp the laws of the quantum physics. Perhaps it is time to move forward and try to include what is missing in our teaching institutes: spirituality. I am sure, we as Muslims have something to say. The material world is not what we have been lectured according to Islamic sources. All materials have some sort of awareness or consciousness. The concept of time as we know it is in fact an imaginary time and not a real one. It is up to our students to equip themselves with necessary knowledge in order to have something to say and contribute our share in the knowledge used by humanity.
So, get up and go for it.
S F Milani, PhD
Principal, ICIS

30 years of giving
Founder’s message
One of the most important norms of measuring nations’ development and their ascending in the ranks of civilization is by measuring the efficiency of their educational system to see their extent of achieving a well qualified and well trained society. This can be achieved through education and by creation of graduating generations of highly qualified experts. It is this generation that can change the society to a better standard and accomplish the highly expected standards in civilisation. Holy Quran refers to this fact (39:9): ‘Say! Can those who know be equal to those who do not?!’. It is no wonder that this noble verse is adopted in the ICIS logo.
To achieve this noble objective, the ICIS has profoundly focused on attracting highly qualified educational staff and recruiting efficient administrators as well as implementing the most up-to- date educational approaches and programmes.
One of the outstanding qualities of the ICIS is that it has based its study programmes on a solid background of the deeply-rooted Islamic heritage (reflected in Sharia) along with the modern academic culture. Due to the fact that the ICIS has been established in the United Kingdom, the ICIS students have been able to understand Western society and the way to convey a balanced Islamic dialogue which eventually blends them in this society.
We sincerely work and hope that we will succeed in carrying out the ICIS mission in spreading knowledge and achieving the highly expected level of advancement in civilisation.
Best wishes for all our students of success and high achievements.
Charity Registration No. 802651
Unit 6, Wellesley Court
Apsley Way,
London NW2 7HF
Tel: 0044 20 8450 8383
email: registrar@kolieh.com
Charity Registration No. 802651